Tech Practice Top 5 news in March

Tech Practice Top 5 news in March

Ronny Schreiber · April 5, 2022

Some exciting topics were shared by our developers in our MS Teams chats this month. Among them are topics like alternative interviews, the fragility of open source, CSS functions, learning by playing, ES2022, and an interesting automation tool.

What's new in es2022?

There are a few new features for ECMA script in 2022 and this article provides explanations and examples of the following changes:

  • Class Fields
  • RegExp Match Indices
  • Top-level await
  • Ergonomic brand checks for Private Fields
  • Accessible Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty
  • Class Static Block
  • Error Cause

Soon the new ECMA script version will be released. So make sure you know what's going on. On GitHub you can keep an eye on the latest proposals for ES.Next.

CSS functions

In this short and crisp article some CSS functions are explained exemplarily. If you want to keep your application lean and avoid javascript where possible, you should consider these. Attr(), calc(), max(), min() are covered.

A more detailed description can be found on CSS tricks.

CSS skill game and visually you get in this small application all CSS selectors explained. Even those that you might not use so often and you can be inspired for meaningful use. The whole thing is played through in a few minutes and is totally fun. Now I'm hungry for apples and cucumbers.


In this short video Tutorial you get an insight into a new tool called KEPTN to Automate your Multi-Stage Continuous Delivery and Operations. Exciting if you want to have a look at new tools and their capabilities to compare them against your current tools and their features. In this case with included Lighthouse test and Quality Gates. Furthermore, it is open source and easy to try out.

Be careful with open source usage

In March, there was another example of the vulnerability of open-source software. Its impact on the whole VUE community was huge. In the article you can read the history and the effects of the node-ipc case. Such effects of security incidents in the open-source dependencies further confirm the need to properly manage and quickly respond to the risks of open source dependencies.


Explain the First 10 Lines We conduct technical interviews when you apply to be a developer with us and we are always interested in improving the experience. An exciting introduction to a technical Interview in the application process is described in this article. To get some basics and their understanding. This introduction allows for more exchange and a basis for a further interview. Maybe you will experience something similar in the future when you apply for a job at

Articles by MB.ioneers

The Psychology of remote work and 16 tips to make it work

Hidayat has once again contributed to our blog and in "The Psychology of remote work and 16 tips to make it work" he sheds light on the impact of working from home on our psyche and how we can behave to improve collaborative work.

Article Writing: How you learn more from yourself than from reading a book

I was also able to write another in which I will give you some motivational benefits that you can experience when you dedicate yourself to writing articles and in which phases of writing you can benefit from them.

Thanks to all of you who share your knowledge within our company and expand our horizons. Ruben, Alexandre, Jorge, Claudio, Andy, and Christian you are great. Stay Curious!

Ronny Schreiber