Inspiration and topics discussed in our tech community in January

Inspiration and topics discussed in our tech community in January

Ronny Schreiber · February 6, 2023

Also in 2023, we would like to share with you the news that is being discussed in our tech communities. You will surely find some inspiring topics.

Framework or not

Write reactive components without frontend frameworks. Should you be using a framework or not? Here at, we're always taking a serious look at this topic. Let's put the hype aside for a moment. You can write reactive components without relying on a frontend framework. Frameworks provide a more straightforward way to write web apps. React, SolidJS, Svelte, and Lit all offer this. The article explains the features and how the various frameworks works, as well as the associated costs.

Get rid of Pre-commit hooks

This video has met with much agreement from our developers. Pre-commit hooks block frequent code commits of intermediate work. This blocks productivity on the developer's machine. It is better to run tasks on the server where you check for general linting rules or similar. The pull request serves as your final quality gate.

CSS pseudo-classes

The browser support for the new CSS pseudo-classes has risen sharply in the year 2022. It's time to look at their benefits. Kevin Powell explains them in an insightful way in his video. Covered are (), () and (). Using these makes writing rules easier, and more manageable. It also changes how specificity behaves.

Chrome DevRel Team top Core Web Vitals recommendations for 2023 In the new year, have the resolution to make your websites more pleasant to use for your users and work on the performance. The Chrome DevRel team answers this question in the article: "what are the most important recommendations we can give to developers to help them improve performance for their users? They name the most important levers with explanations and suggestions for implementation.

SVG Reference

If you want to learn more about SVGs and their possibilities, have a look at this Interactive SVG Reference. You can learn what and how to implement it. After going through it, take a look at the collection of color tools and free SVG generators.

input type="number"

This article follows an interesting discussion of the input type="number". In a detailed explanation of the problems, which the use of the input type number brings with itself, you learn which things you must pay attention to.


Just, a Command Line toolkit for developing Spring Boot applications With features like Live Reload, Docker support, and with a single command, you can run anything. It's worth a look.

Articles from Mb.ioneers

Our colleagues have also been active in writing articles recently.

Javier shares with us the first part of his article series on improving documentation. Read it, get inspired, and improve your product documentation in a structured way.

Miroslav shares his experience of switching to Raycast and how it boosted his productivity.

In addition, Vladimir has written an article about Microfrontends with Import Maps.

Thanks to all who share their knowledge in our company in this way and use our communities to exchange ideas. Stay curious!

(Image by Theo Eilertsen Photography on Unsplash).

Ronny Schreiber